Anon – Austria

ME – I found me in me by loosing me completely!I was in France working too much as usual and had mobbing and bossing in the company which was too much as high sensitive. Far away from home, far away from my friends, I lived alone in an appartment – working day in day out…


I’m 16 years old and I have struggled alot. I have tried to commit suicide but I never went through. So I am blessed to still be on earth. Times may get hard but you got to keep the faith. Life was hard for me. I didn’t live with my parents they were out doing…


Hello, my name is Alysa I am 13 years old currently I go trough sever depression and anxiety everyday wether it’s school/home/public. What I’m like at school is the “depressed girl” most of the time I keep my hood on bc it’s just away to hid kinda like getting away from things. Today I’m going…